ACU Formation Group at Texas A&M

The College Station/Texas A&M University ACU Formation group continues to meet under the direction of congregante Ramiro Rodriguez.  Ramiro had prior ACU experience with group leadership while serving as the Atlanta Chapter Instructor de Aspirantes before moving to Houston Texas.

The group has recently covered a series of different topics as can be seen below.  In one of the photographs, the members can be seen singing el Himno de la Agrupacion at the end of the Circulo de Estudios.  Please continue to keep this ministry in your prayers.

4/13 Topic: Blessed Carlo Acutis
4/20 Topic: Can we be both ascetic and professional?
4/27 Topic: Is Hell crowded or empty?


ACU University of Miami Student Group: “Euthanasia, a Catholic Moral Perspective”, Presentation by Enrique Canton, M.D.
